The trouble with emergencies and disasters is that you’ll never know when they will strike. You’ll be going about your business on a typical day when everything changes.
Many of the survival foods you’d select for an RV are the same that you’d keep at home. The primary difference is in the serving sizes you can store in your vehicle.
We’ve all had a small taste of what a long-term emergency is like with the changes we’ve experienced due to COVID-19. When you think about what supplies would be necessary if you had to make a fast escape, those items are what you should store in your RV.
When you pack survival food, you’re doing more than providing access to the calories needed to manage a lengthy disaster. It can also help you take the RV off-roading to explore the benefits of boondocking.
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List of the Best Survival Foods to Store in an RV
When you start talking about survival foods, two names come to mind above all of them: ReadyWise and Nutrient Survival.
Why select these brands for your RV when so many others are available today? It’s because you receive consistent quality across multiple package sizes and types.
Here are some of the best survival foods you can buy to keep in your RV for a potential emergency or your upcoming boondocking trip.
- Hearty Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (Nutrient Survival)
- Holiday Chocolate Chip Cookie Can (Nutrient Survival)
- Treeline Teriyaki Chicken and Rice (ReadyWise)
- Desert High Chili Mac and Beef (ReadyWise)
- 30-Day Food Kit (Nutrient Survival)
- Basecamp Four Bean and Vegetable Soup (ReadyWise)
- Homestyle Scramble (Nutrient Survival)
- Summit Sweet Potato Curry (ReadyWise)
- Triple Cheese Mac (Nutrient Survival)
- Chocolate Grain Crunch (Nutrient Survival)
- Early Dawn Breakfast Skillet (ReadyWise)
- Immune Boost (Nutrient Survival)
You’ll also want to pack a range of water gathering and filtration supplies to keep in your RV if hookups aren’t available during an emergency. ReadyWise offers four stackable 14-gallon water containers for under $100 that can give you enough to drink or fluids for rehydrating some of your survival foods.
Reverse osmosis equipment, microfilters, and desalination options are additional investments to consider when packing your RV.
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Why Not Pack My RV with Food from the Grocery Store?
The problem with groceries on an RV involves a combination of temperature and preservation. When you have items that go through the traditional canning process, they store better than fresh ingredients.
They don’t store better than dehydrated, freeze-dried, or ultra-preserved foods.
That’s not to say that you should stock up on some items to preserve your survival food rations. Several products are worth keeping in your RV if you have the time to grab them.
Pantry staples like olive oil, canned beans, powdered milk, canned tuna, and boxed soups are excellent choices.
Although canned tuna doesn’t stay preserved as long as survival food, you’ll still get up to five years of shelf life per can. Since it can cost less than $1 at some stores and provide a healthy dose of omega-3s, it’s certainly worth stocking up.
Most people have canned soup in their home pantry. The boxed version works better for RV storage because they typically contain less salt and fewer additives.
Even the boxy shape works better for your cabinets!
The one option that transcends both categories is rice. You’ll find it in most survival food packages because of how easy it is to store. It takes longer to cook and requires more water than other items, but it is lightweight, nutritious, and works with almost everything.
One final option to add to your RV is your favorite beverage. Coffee, tea, and wine store well, although the latter can be affected by temperatures that exceed 70°F.
Who Should Invest in Survival Food?
Everyone needs survival food at home or in their RV. The current recommendation is for each household to keep at least three days of food and water available and off-the-grid if an extended power outage occurs.
Check out our review of some of the Nutrient Survival products.
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Although we don’t think about the need for refrigeration most days, it won’t take long for the items in your fridge or freezer to spoil when no electricity is available. You can stave off this event every three days by adding 25 pounds of dry ice to your appliance, but it is a temporary fix.
The better option is to have foods that you can make without needing electricity available. When you need to be in your RV, that attribute is even more critical.
If you can boil water, the emergency food pouches let you have a safe, nutritious, and healthy meal. When you purchase items that your family will eat, you’ll have a way to add some certainty to an uncertain world.
Even if you don’t buy everything all at once, it helps to stock a few things on each paycheck. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have enough to manage all but the direst of situations.
Anyone who lives in a rural area where supplies could be unavailable for several days should consider having more emergency foods stocked in the RV. Try to get a 30-day supply available at a minimum for each person to ensure there’s enough to eat.
What Are the Advantages of Having Survival Food Available?
When you do your own canning or purchased similar foods from the grocery store, you’ll get between 2-5 years of shelf life with each product. A few items can store for longer, but that list is relatively small.
If you have survival food available, the emergency products have a shelf life that reaches 25 years. Some items go beyond that level to have a permanent insurance policy against a potential disaster.
The quality of what you purchase remains the same throughout that guaranteed time.
That’s only one advantage you’ll receive when stocking your RV with survival food. Here are some of the others you can expect to find with this investment.
1. Survival food doesn’t require refrigeration.
If you purchased freeze-dried foods from ReadyWise or Nutrient Survival, you don’t need to worry about refrigeration, running a generator, or having dry ice access. You can store it wherever you have room on your RV without compromising its quality or flavor. Whether you open it the next day or after several years, the freshness and quality remain the same.
2. It is easy to prepare survival food.
Most survival food products require water only to make a meal. If you can heat the liquid to a boil, it may reduce your fluid consumption during preparation by up to 50%. All you need to do is pour the hot water into the pouch, letting it rehydrate the ingredients for the prescribed time. Most items are ready in under ten minutes.
3. You can purchase long-term supplies.
Survival food comes in convenient kits today to eliminate the uncertainty of your emergency supplies.
If you need a 72-hour kit to meet your essential needs, you can buy one for each family member. More extended options are also available, often ranging from 3-12 months. Although smaller RVs or travel trailers might not have the storage capacity for the biggest buckets in the market today, enough flexibility exists to meet individual needs.
4. Vegetarian options are available.
Several vegetarian emergency food options exist so that you can follow your preferred dietary approach even if a disaster occurs. Pasta, rice, beans, and more are available with freeze-dried fruits and vegetables to meet your nutritional needs.
If you are a non-vegetarian, you’ll find eggs, chicken, beef, and more that can help you meet your protein requirements.
5. Survival food keeps you away from the stores.
We discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic that it doesn’t take long for communities to clear store shelves quickly. If another disease makes its way through the population, having survival food shipped to your door and fully stocked in an RV can let you stay on the move without risking an exposure event.
Whenever you need to add more to your supplies, you can shop online. Although delivery options during a disaster could be limited or non-existent, you can take care of this need today with only a couple of clicks.
6. It provides you with a sense of security.
When you have enough food and water available for a potential emergency, it provides you with the peace of mind in knowing that everyone can stay satisfied if something happens. Depending on how much you invest, you can manage several days, weeks, or months on your own with this resource.
Are You Prepared for a Potential Emergency?
No one wants to go through a disaster. Managing an emergency can have a physical, mental, and spiritual toll on each affected life.
Simultaneously, we must create a path forward that helps us move on from those circumstances eventually.
That’s why the options from ReadyWise and Nutrient Survival are worth the investment. Whether you boondock or want to stock your RV for a potential emergency, your efforts today can provide more guarantees for an uncertain tomorrow.
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